Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Really liked the concept of this tag.

20 years ago

1. I got chicken pox exactly this time of the year in February, right before the final exams.

2. I thought I would never make it to Grade 5.

3. I stood 2nd in the finals for Grade 4.

4. I started using a fountain pen/ink pen for the first time (Grade 5). What a messy state of affairs it was, compared to the good old pencil.

5. I decided that I would convert to Christianity, become a nun, and spend the rest of my life teaching at St. Vincent’s Convent.

10 years ago

1. I realized during B.Sc that getting into Calcutta University was the biggest career disaster of my life.

2. I thought I had met the guy I wanted to marry. As it happens, I am still single J

3. I had dissected a rat, a few varieties of fish, cockroaches, and a few more animals for the first time.

4. I never remembered panicking about turning 20. This time, I am.

5 years ago

1. Blogging happened.

2. The United States of America happened.

3. Realization happened. I had my most memorable time, teaching Science and Math in a school in Kolkata. I realized I could be a very good teacher.

4. I met the friend I think I am going to write a book about someday.

5. My first time on an airplane happened.

3 years ago

1. My first U.S. degree happened.

2. I performed the play Yoni Ki Baat (South Asian adaptation of the Vagina Monologues) in front of a packed audience in Seattle for the first time. I think I kicked ass.

3. My first U.S. job happened.

2 years ago

1. My sunshine car happened.

2. I learnt to drive.

3. I drove a record of 12,000 miles in 8 months.

1 year ago

1. I lost my first U.S. job.

2. My first Eurotrip happened (Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy).

3. PhD happened.

4. I survived the pain of leaving Seattle.

5. I realized how much joy Baby Kalyani brought in my life. She is my friend’s 2 year old by the way.

So far this year I

1. Passed my PhD preliminary exams, 5 months into my program.

2. Have started using and loving Ike (my iPad).

3. Realized I am really getting better at cynicism and sarcasm in my blog and in my life.

4. Have done some good travel writing, and intend to continue doing so.

5. Have crossed 425 friends on Facebook, realizing that I have no more than maybe 20 good friends and well wishers. What irony!

Yesterday I

1. Was complimented by the advisor for my scientific writing skills.

2.Told him for the first time that I don’t think I will make it.

3. Realized how alone I felt in moments of despair and self-doubt.

4. Cried myself to sleep and woke up with a bad headache.

5. Felt like Kyle with a butt hemorrhage in the "Cartmanland" episode of South Park.


1. I am back to the department, working like yesterday never happened.

2. I realized how much my professional life means to me.

3. I am looking forward to my roomie passing her PhD qualifiers this afternoon.

4. My advisor sat with me and told me that I will be fine.

Tomorrow I will

1. Go for my Zumba class that I missed the last 2 days.

2. Discuss in class what a good movie Dead Poets Society is.

3. Dream of becoming a professor, a scientist, and a writer.

In the next year I will

1. Hopefully visit Europe again.

2. Hopefully have some quality papers published.

3. Realize that turning 30 is not that bad after all.



Ash said...

Haven't seen a tag this interesting in a while...

R said...

:) well written!

And I know, graduating from pencil to ink pen was such a big thing!

Anonymous said...

Hey loved this tag. I want to do it too :).

Philotics said...

good one! felt good about the blog post.

SK said...

Simply awesome, and when I'm in the mood may copy this one...

Rambo said...

Hello Sunshine
I have been following your blog from long time, for the first time i am commenting.
You are my inspiration.
Loved this post.

Rambo said...

Hello Sunshine
I have been following your blog from long time, for the first time i am commenting.
You are my inspiration.
Loved this post.

Kaichu said...

i love you =))

Kaichu said...

i love you =))