Saturday, July 28, 2018

A Trashy Mindset

I haven’t written in a long time. This summer has been lousy, one of the worst summers, but more on that later. Somehow, I have forgotten the immense joy I used to feel writing here.

Anyhow, back to the post, which is also a another rant. I try to avoid buying anything wrapped in plastic. But my surroundings make it very hard for me to stick to this resolution. Beans, spinach, chicken, mushrooms, and many other things I like to eat always come in Styrofoam containers wrapped in plastic at that store.

I was checking out my purchases when I pointed to the chicken and asked the guy at the checkout counter why they don't lobby and pressurize the suppliers not to use Styrofoam and plastic wrap.

“Do you know that as of 2018, China has stopped buying plastic waste from the US and other European countries?”

The guy had the deer in the headlight look. He was not even aware of it, and I am not surprised. Most people I talk to have no idea (just Google it).

“Do you know where all this waste is piling? It has to go somewhere, right? Guess where? At a site in Oregon, not too far from here.”

“Aren't there any more suckers out there who would buy it?”

I was a little taken aback by his comment, not even considering the casual way he used the word “suckers” -- kudos to China for refusing to buy waste anymore, but it also makes me afraid that the next vulnerable target, or sucker, like this guy calls it, is India.

“Why would you want any country to buy your shit?” I asked.

This guy is not unique, a lot of people I talk to share this mindset. Rather than think about how to reduce waste output, the man wonders what other country might be willing to buy his waste. He also told me that I can buy beans at the next grocery store. Well, I am not going to walk 15 minutes further to buy beans at an overpriced organic store. I might just as well not eat beans.

The person in line after me was listening to the conversation, probably also thinking if I am crazy. As I was leaving, I heard the checkout guy ask, “Paper or plastic?”

“Plastic,” I heard him say, unsurprisingly.

I am always surprised at how ignorant and environmentally unfriendly so many people here are. The “don’t care” attitude is so apparent when you talk to them. It’s almost like a cultural thing.


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