Thursday, September 10, 2009

3 Years

Exactly 3 years ago, I left for the U.S. today. It’s been an eventful journey so far, enjoying graduate school life and then work life. An enriching experience full of commendations, rejections, laudations, mixing, adjusting, and learning new survival skills, not just in professional life but also in personal life. And when I looked back and thought I had seen it all and done it all, little did I realize how far from the truth I was. I was thankful to have a job even when the economy went crazy. I read about people who lost their jobs and told myself, “This will not happen to me, I shall be safe”. I did not realize that I am not the “chosen one”, and anything that affects my surroundings is bound to get to me sometime. This week, barely one year into my job, I lost it. I was laid off, just like many people who were told their skills were no longer required. I went through a gamut of emotions- shock, scare, shame, self-doubt, anger, helplessness, and everything mixed up to be one emotion I barely identified with. With time, I just got detached from the pain. I am back to my job hunting schedule. It’s scary, not having a job, the constant anxiety and the sense of panic that comes with that. Ironically I was telling a friend the other day that despite the Monday morning blues, I am grateful that I have a job to look forward to in this shitty economy. Now, I no longer do. I realized that I could perhaps use my blog as a medium to de-stress myself, to pen down my thoughts and fears and concerns so that I could see things in a more objective way. For once, I am definitely leaving no stone unturned to make sure that I get a job. Till then, life will continue to be as whimsical as it has been. At least I now know that I could not have been immune and unaffected by the shitty economy that we are in the middle of right now. 


Padmanabhan said...

Ironical isn't it, that people would much rather keep hanging on to a cliff with the constant fear of falling down than staying down or doing something else. damn that helplessness!

Hemant said...

That's sad :(, but you will certainly come on top again.

I wish you very best of luck and I am certain that you will take this as one of the lessons in life. I know how it feels, stay there and be strong like always :).

Unknown said...

hi sunshine,
Here is something that always cheers me up...

Hope you would get back on track soon.


Unknown said...

I have been reading your blogs from quite a few months now. i can very much understand what you are going through. All the very best for your hunt and dont worry you will get it very soon.
My best wishes are with you.

Love, Humor, Power said...

I just read the latest two posts. How ironic life becomes at times.
The penultimate one, made me feel grateful for all that i have, as a person. The last one forces me to think again about my plans of starting my own business.
I can only hope that your financials come back on track ASAP.
Wishing You Luck.

Love, Humor, Power said...

Well,exactly yesterday i completed my three years at my current job. I read the last two posts and feel how ironic life becomes at times.
The penultimate one made me feel Grateful for all that i have , as a person. the last one forces me to rethink about starting my own business.

I can only hope that your financials get back on track ASAP.
Wish You Luck.

Shankha said...

Come back to India. There are lots of opportunities here and you will be doing something good too.

Pavi!!!! said...

ouch:( must be tough on u...

but try stay confident n here is wishing u all the very best to finding a job soon!

A Girl from Timbuktu said...

May u get a job soon....all the best!

Uma said...

The next one is gonna be much better...and will come along very soon. All the Best.

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

good luck to u sunshine, and full power to you to find a new job as soon as u can.

i live in the east coast, so if your job hunt brings you here, i can offer u a place to camp temporarily.

do work hard at the networking thing- finding people u know and secondary contacts through people u know who might be in your field and can pass your resume around. i would say even use your blog.

best of luck again.

Alpine Path said...

Damn!! That's hard. But, as with all others, I'm sure that you'll come out ahead of it in the end. I've been following your blog for more than four years now and I know that you can do it. I think of you every time I have something hard to do... and then get the courage to do it. So, I'm sure you'll do well.. Hang in there!